
As a first post I have distinct feeling that it should be highly insightful, amazingly original and what not.

Sadly I don’t have anything like that to tell you now.

I’m writing this blog because from time to time I really felt the need to share insights, code, things learned along the way.

As you can probably gather from the blog title or the crumbs that led you here what I want to share with you has to do in one way or the other with game development.

I can give you amazing introduction of how amazing is to be game developer and how it’s awesomely cool but you already know that otherwise you would not be reading this far. Year ago with couple of colleagues Armin Halac  Boris Stapic  Benjamin Poprzanovic I founded TripleClaim Game Collective a small and so far only serious game development studio in our country, don’t get me wrong there are amazing individuals who work on their own personal projects but TripleClaim is most serious collection of talent, art, will power and experience regarding game production in our small country thus far.

I wish to share with you our experience so far because it’s interesting perspective being game development studio in a country that has none, also I wish to share with you ideas, tutorials, code, good reading, whatever happens to us in future partly because like I said at the beginning sometimes I just feel the need to share our findings hoping that this all will help you get a better understanding what does it mean to be indie game developer not funded and influenced by anyone or anything, not even Google.


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The document has moved here.